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This Seedling Tree Program Order
Form is no longer active.

We now offer online ordering only
on our New Tree Ordering Page

Order Information

You must own at least 1 acre of land in a single property within ERCA’s watershed to qualify for the ERCA Tree Program. You must order a minimum of 100 seedlings. You are responsible for picking up your own trees. Tree planting grants are not available for this program, and ERCA is unable to provide a guarantee on any trees purchased.

A SINGLE ORDER = 20 SEEDLINGS. Seedlings are not sold individually.

Example: if you put "5" on the form, you will be billed for 100 seedlings.


Many of the hardwoods listed below are a product of ERCA’s Seed Collection Program where our Conservation Services staff have collected tree seed from our surrounding trees and forests. This seed has been grown into seedlings by our partner nurseries and are best suited for planting here in the Essex region.

These hardwood trees can be used to establish new plantations, forests or shade trees. These trees are native to the Essex region. They are part of the Carolinian forest and are adapted to our warm climate and soils.

Evergreen Seedlings

Evergreen trees, when planted in a linear fashion to form windbreaks, can help improve crop yields, livestock productivity, reduce soil erosion and can help decrease the heating and cooling costs of your home. Typical windbreak spacing is 4 to 8 feet apart for Cedars and up to 10 feet apart

for Spruce and Pine.

Native shrubs are an excellent source of food for birds and other wildlife. They also provide habitat and can be used as an alternative to Evergreen borders or windbreaks.

Native Shrub Seedlings


We accept payment by cash, cheque, or credit card. Details regarding payment and the pickup of your tree order will be sent via email at the end of March.

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