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This Large Stock Tree Program Order Form is no longer active.

We now offer online ordering only
on our New Tree Ordering Page

Order Information

You must own at least 1 acre of land in a single property within ERCA’s watershed to qualify for the ERCA Tree Program. You must order a minimum of 15 trees: any combination of hardwoods, evergreen and/or shrubs. Hardwood trees must be ordered in bundles of 5 for each species.


There are only two native evergreens to Essex County: Red Cedar and White Pine. These evergreens will perform well when planted in the proper site. During times of drought, these trees will need extra care and watering.

Native Shrubs

Shrubs are excellent for wildlife, cover and food, have multiple stems and tend to grow as wide as they do tall.

Native Hardwoods

The hardwoods listed below are some of the native Carolinian trees of the Essex region. When planted in the proper site, they will offer many benefits such as shade, cleaner air and habitat for wildlife.


Single trees are not sold individually.

Example: if you put "5" on the form, you will be billed for 25 trees.

Brilliant orange, red fall colours; green leaves during the summer; prefers better drained sites


We accept payment by cash, cheque, or credit card. Details regarding payment and the pickup of your tree order will be sent via email at the end of March.

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