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ERCA maintains more than 80 km of connected, safe, off-road greenway trails for everyone in the region. These trails were designed for multiple uses, including hiking, cycling, nature observation, and in some areas, for horseback riding. The Chrysler Canada Greenway runs south from Oldcastle, turning East at Harrow, and ends in Ruthven. The Rotary (1918) Centennial Hub connects the northern end of this Greenway to other CWATS trails in LaSalle and Windsor. The Cypher Systems Group Greenway runs northeast-to-southwest from Essex to Amherstburg. The CASO line, under development, will eventually connect the northeastern end of the Cypher Systems Group Greenway to the Trans-Canada Trail in Tilbury.

Become a Greenway Guardian!
The ERCA Adopt a Greenway Litter Cleanup Program is a year-round, region wide community cleanup program. Your organization, group, business, family, or circle of friends can help keep our important recreational and natural heritage trail system clean and safe for everyone who visits and uses it.

During some periods of the year, the trail is too soft for horse and cycling traffic and it ruins the trail surface.
Please plan your early spring trip by checking our website and socials to ensure that the trails are open for horse and cyclist use.
When trails are open, greenway entrances will have a trail user yield sign displayed. When the trail is closed due to trail conditions the sign will say “Due to wet trail conditions, the trail is closed to equestrians and cyclists”
Conservation Areas are smoke free, and smoking is permitted only in designated areas, typically parking lots.
Be aware of ticks. Stay on the managed trail. For more information on ticks, visit the Windsor Essex Health Unit page on Ticks and Lyme Disease.
Obey trail signs and follow all posted rules or ordinances at any facility.
Greenways are only open during daylight hours.
Stay on the designated path and managed areas. Do not explore neighbouring forests, fields, or wetlands.
Motorized vehicles of any kind are not permitted on the greenways.
Use proper waste receptacles or take your garbage home.
Do not pick any flowers or remove any natural foliage from the trail.
Always show courtesy to all other Greenway users.
Stay to the right of the trail; pass on the left.
Do not take up more than half of the trail.
Remain in single file when trails are congested and in heavy use.
Listen for others. Headphones may impair your ability to hear and react to potentially dangerous situations, but please be mindful of your music volume.
Wear appropriate shoes and clothing for trail and weather conditions
Tell someone your itinerary.
Pets must be leashed at ALL times. Owners must clean up and properly dispose of pet waste.
Yield to pedestrians at all times.
Ride single file on the right of the trail.
Pass on the left, and always provide an audible warning when passing.
Slow down – excessive speeds are dangerous to everyone.
Wear a helmet.
WALK OR TROT ONLY. Galloping and Cantering are not permitted.
Manage your animals and don’t bring ‘green’ horses onto our trails. Familiarize horses with expected trail encounters, such as; cyclists, dogs, strollers, etc.
Greet users early. Walkers, runners and cyclists should yield to horses, but many trail-users can be intimidated by horses or don’t know what to do. Be friendly and communicate early with them.
Expect the unexpected. Small children and dogs can be unpredictable or frightened by horses, and vice versa.
Clean up after your animal. Horse manure must be removed from the trail.
Stay on the grassed section if there is room.
Do not clean out your trailer in the parking area.
Our Greenways provide a valuable wildlife and utility corridor in addition to the benefits of recreating in nature. To ensure a positive experience for all users and to preserve these facilities for years to come, please follow these etiquette guidelines.